
Meeting Minutes October 25, 2020

Adult Performance Artists Guild

Meeting Minutes October 25, 2020

Time is listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST)

The meeting is called to order at 5:08PM
President Alana Evans calls the meeting to order. Roll is called by Vice President Ruby

President Alana Evans present
Vice President Ruby present
Secretary Kelly Pierce present (late)
Sergeant at Arms Amber Lynn present (late) Board member and Parliamentarian Jorge Reano not present
Board member India Morel not present
4 members were present.
Past minutes read.

5:17 PM Agenda
Bylaws committee update, fraudulent changes, currently fixing them.

5:22 PM Instagram arbitration
The first of the arbitrations have been filed. Instagram suddenly restoring accounts again.

5:30 PM Moving forward with the 300 cases. Verification scammers following us.
Amber trademark violation, wants arbitration.

5:35 PM Health Insurance Committee- The exchange opened on Nov 15th.

5:37 PM Testing
Free covid testing. TTS, using their own covid tests, price gouging performers as usual.
CVS goes through Quest Labs.

5:41 PM AB 2389, and the education program. They want proof performers are using it. Encourage performers to use it and Employers to require it.

5:54 PM APAG Talks update, Putting a meeting together next week.

5:57 PM APAG Holiday drive for the homeless. In our 3rd year. We added covid supplies and a list for Ohio .

6:02 PM New Business
Motion to create Law Enforcement Relations Committee. Motion seconded. Motion passed
All Ayes no Nay’s

6:09 PM Discussion
The humanization of adult performers and combatting stigma more. The welcoming and inclusion of trans performers. Red carpet discrimination.
The erasure of certain performers in a popular periodical.

6:35 PM Predatory producers, unprofessional behavior. Some political discussion concerning the recent Supreme Court Justice addition.

6:52 PM President Alana Evans calls the meeting to a close.

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