
APAG’s 3rd Annual Helping the Homeless Holiday Drive

The holiday season is upon us and we all know how difficult 2020 has been for so many. Because of Covid-19, millions lost their jobs causing them to become homeless. For the third year in a row, the Adult Performance Artists Guild ( formerly known as Adult Performers Actors Guild) is teaming up with its members to create a group of Amazon wishlists filled with items to help the homeless. Performers have dedicated their lists, asking fans to purchase items for the homeless in lieu of gifts for themselves.

Founded by APAG President Alana Evans, the Helping the Homeless Holiday Drive began in November 2018 and purchased items were donated directly to the Alpha Project in San Diego, a non profit organization that offers outreach, housing, and care for homeless in San Diego, California. Evans chose the Alpha Project after learning about their incredible efforts to work directly with the community, knowing each donated item would go directly to those who needed them most.

As the second year of the charity drive came in 2019, several adult stars and cam performers joined the cause opening their wishlists for donatable items for homeless in their areas. Our friends with Cams.com,  ElevatedX, and YnotCams, along with numerous donors, helped us deliver items to those in need consisting of tents, sleeping bags, clothing, food, toiletries and more! 

For our 2020 event, we are excited to have more performers join our cause, giving us the ability to offer more aid to those in need across the country! With our President Alana Evans setting her goal for Southern California, Vice President Ruby is creating a list with other performers to help in Ohio! We are looking for other members who would be interested in volunteering or if you’d like to dedicate your wishlist to help those in need in an effort to spread our cheer across the country!

We are so thankful for the performers who continue to help and support the efforts by encouraging their fans to get involved. One such performer, Natasha Nice, has driven many of her fans to donate items and we truly appreciate her dedication over the last two years!

To purchase an item for the drive, visit our wishlists on AMAZON!

California- AMAZON Wishlist

Ohio- AMAZON Wishlist

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