
APAG Elections!

We are pleased to announce our election of officers and board members for APAG. Listed below are the requirements to run for a position according to the APAG Constitution and Bylaws. Specific questions are answered below with verbiage taken directly from the C &B that pertains to each answer. A form is attached below to submit your nomination. Only members who meet the criteria below can be considered for a board member or officer position. At the end of the list, a full copy of APAG’s Constitution and bylaws are available for download.

The election committee is directed by APAG Parlimentarian Jorge Reano. To join the Election Committee, email Election@APAGUnion.com A submission form for nominees is listed after the nomination requirements.

The election will follow the listed schedule below-

UPDATE- Vote was taken at member meeting to extend nomination acceptions until DECEMBER 6.

November 15, 2021- December 6, 2021, 12:00am PST– Nominations will be accepted during these dates. All nominations must be received by 12:00am PST on December 6.


December 6, 2021- December 13, 2021- Nominations will be approved and finalized. A list of nominees will be posted during this time.

December 13, 2021- December 27, 2021– Voting will take place for 14 days on a 3rd party private election site.

December 27, 2021- January 3, 2022– Votes will be tallied and verified.

Election results will be announced by January 3, 2022

APAG Constitution and Bylaws

Requirements For Nominees

APAG Consitution and Bylaws- Article XXV, pages 43-45

Article XXV
Election of Officers
Sec. 1. No such person with any type of prior felony for the past thirteen (13) years shall run
for any type of Guild office or board member within the Guild to stay within requirements of
federal law.

Sec. 2. All members who shall run for election must be in “Good Standing” within the Guild.

Sec. 3. An officer may not hold more than one office in a labor organization.

Sec. 4. A member in “Good Standing” shall nominate oneself by sending the following
documents to the Secretary, within the announced time, calling forth all members that wish
to run for office.
a)A signed petition containing signatures of three additional members.
b)Digital Image of themselves- must be 4x6in ( 1200 x 1800 pixels) 72 dpi
c)(Real) Name including mailing address, home address, email address and contact
phone number.
d)A bio consisting of a minimum of forty (40) words describing any past educational
experience, any past union or organizing experience, past work experience in this Guild’s
jurisdiction, as well as a brief statement as to why you would like to be elected.

Sec. 5. All Elections for the guild shall be held every four (4) years and shall have a
running period of three (3) months. First election officers are appointed by Section 12 of this
Article and Article XVII Section 5.

Sec. 6. Any member who accepts nomination for an official position; a)Must be willing to agree to all terms and conditions of officer position.
b)Must be willing to sign a legal binding document provided by the Guild that will hold
member responsible in acting out all officer duties.
c)Must be willing to swear alliance to the Guild and to be pledged into officer position
by the Guild President. New Presidents are to be pledged by the Guild’s Sergeant At Arms.
d)Must be added to the Guild Insurance Policy.
e)Shall not use Guild funds to run for any type of election campaign.

Sec 7. All Elections of the guild shall be conducted by;
a) Member voting of all members in “Good Standing” of the Guild.
b) The Guild website and shall be only during the final announced dates.
c) Public Acknowledgment.
d) Be within the Voting Quorum Article XX of the Constitution and Bylaws.
e) If the election is disputed, the Guild’s board may invoke the power of any
other federally recognized union to oversee our elections.

Sec. 8. All voting members must also be a member in “Good Standing” to cast a vote and
only one vote per member.

Sec. 9. Each term of office shall be four (4) years, no persons shall serve more than four
(4) consecutive terms. After serving a total of four (4) terms, or two terms and one year, a
Board member may be eligible for reconsideration as a Board member after one year has
passed since the conclusion of such Board members service for reconsideration.

Sec. 10. A member must be a member in “Good Standing” of the Guild, for a minimum of
two years to run for any Officer or Board Member Position of the Guild, after the first
election. The creation period for the Guild is six (6) months from the date federal
recognition is received.

Sec. 11. In creation of the Guild, all initial officers shall be a temporary officer position of
a maximum of one (1) year, in which time a full and adequate election shall take
place. The ideal amount of time for the initial creation period is six (6) months.

Sec. 12. All election records must be maintained for four (4) years after election as required by
federal law and shall be kept with the Secretary of office.

Sec. 13. Once elected the officer will be known as an Official Representative of the Guild and
shall pledge to act and present oneself in an orderly and professional manner within all aspects
of one’s everyday life and shall be subject to all and any state and federal laws governed by the
Guild as well as all nonprofit governed laws, including any such laws binding in this Constitution.
Failure may result in a civil or federal suit in accordance with those laws.

Sec. 14. An election committee shall be formed to oversee election and accept all nominations.


APAG Consitution and Bylaws- Article XXI, Section 25 page 38

Election Committee
The duties of the election committee shall;
a)Follow the instructions and Bylaws provided in Article XXVII.
b)Conduct the affairs of the election in accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution and applicable law;
c)Establish safeguards to ensure a fair and democratic election;
d)Validate the eligibility of candidates for office;
e)Act as initial judge in all matters arising from the election procedures, including
post-election protests;
f)Approve the form of the ballots (All ballots shall reflect slates of candidates, if such
g)Tabulate and certify the results of the election.
h)No member of the Election Committee may be a candidate for office, or a member
of the Executive Board.

APAG Member Meetings

Performer Training for New Performers


Are you a current performer in adult films or web camming? Are you a clip creator or content creator? Do you do phone sex or work on sexting apps? Are you a retired performer from the adult film industry? APAG is organizing performers, past and present, to collective bargain, provide education, health care, and protection of performers rights. Become a part of the union!

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