

Name of Association:  APAG

Type of Meeting: bi-weekly member meeting


Call To Order: 5:07pm

Roll Call: 5:09

Present: President Alana Evans

VP: Kelly Pierce

Secretary: Keke

Board Member: Body of Benin

Parliamentarian: George

Not Present: board member: India moral

Board Member: Destiny red

Sgt at Arms: Amberlynn


5:10 Short discussion on how we verify members and what emails they get upon acceptance or denial of application and giving them resources

Officer Pledge:

New Business: 5:18

APAG Committee update

  -webcam pay update

Need more committee members

LGBTQ update- will be talking about new legislation

Webcam Committee- trying to collective bargain for at least 50%

Talked about putting a poll up to see if everyone thinks 50% is fair, other ideas were brought up such as cam blackout

A conversation about having some committees on Sunday before the meeting

Need to have legislation meeting about Bill in Louisiana

Same sex marriage and Sodomy laws

Show people how this is threatening freedom of speech

Paul Alexander wanted to join legislative

Suggested a higher cut for cam pay

Talk about webcam cuts

Knowing the sites data

Anson knows policy writing and volunteered to help

APAG banking update 5:47pm

Appointment Friday

Wells Fargo

We have all needed documentation

Talk about dues one more time

We can have our own health plans

Contacted by DC PR firm, Alana will have a meeting with them

Transparency with spending

Instagram update- account recovery 5:54

Helped get Hustlers account back

New Business:

Motions: n/a

Open Discussion: 6:04

Kelly mentioned opening LinkedIn account to make connections

Make a union LinkedIn page

Kelly brought up making a planned parenthood fund/fundraiser

Fundraising committee meeting

Full Instagram/APAG history discussed and how we got to where we are with them

Closed the Meeting: 6:20

APAG Member Meetings

Performer Training for New Performers


Are you a current performer in adult films or web camming? Are you a clip creator or content creator? Do you do phone sex or work on sexting apps? Are you a retired performer from the adult film industry? APAG is organizing performers, past and present, to collective bargain, provide education, health care, and protection of performers rights. Become a part of the union!

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Adult Industry Verified

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