


LGBTQIA Committee meets every two weeks –

Membership Committee meets every two weeks-

Webcam Committee meets every week-


As a Guild, we offer multiple committees to involve our membership in our organizing efforts. While some committees are required per our Constitution and Bylaws, others are to be created by a vote of quorum during member meetings. Each committee will have a committee director and committee secretary and will provide reports during Guild membership meetings. Committees may have individual meetings without other membership involved, but minutes must be kept for all of those individual meetings.

At this time, we have several committees with open seats, however, committees are limited to twenty (20) active members per committee. If a committee becomes full, a waitlist based on a first come first serve basis will be created. As seats become available, those who requested a seat on that committee will be notified. In order to maintain your position on a committee, meetings must be attended. If you would like to be involved in a committee please complete the form below. Here is a list of committees with a brief explanation:

Collective Bargaining Committee- This team creates the language for our CBA’s, and researches the needs of our workers to be sure our contracts meet our goals.

Membership Committee– This team works together to keep membership packets up to date, outreach for building membership, and works to keep the membership informed.

Legislative Committee– This team researches upcoming legislation that may affect our industry, works to present policy ideas to the Guild and its members, as well as framing political actions the guild may be involved in. These members will also work on building communication between the Guild and government officials. This committee will seek partnerships with other organizations to offer our support and engagement.

Fundraising Committee– This team creates fundraisers, shares ideas, and meets to discuss fundraising events. The Treasurer of APAG must sit on this committee and all funding must be approved by the Executive Board.

Occupational Discrimination– This team researches examples of occupational discrimination, and works to push our fight. This committee will report its findings during member meetings. This committee will seek partnerships with other organizations to offer our support and engagement.

Diversity Committee– The focus of this committee is to work to end racism and racist practices in adult. This committee will research issues and effects, and work to create avenues of discourse for marginalized workers in our community. This committee will seek partnerships with other organizations to offer our support and engagement.

LGBTQ Rights Committee– This committee will research issues our LGBTQ community faces specifically, and work to educate and empower our members. This committee will seek partnerships with other organizations to offer our support and engagement.

Performer Rights Committee– This committee will focus on issues that affect our workers while on set. They will keep our Bill of Rights current with industry issues performers face, and seek ways to strengthen the voices of our workers. This committee will meet to discuss problems when performers’ rights are violated.

Education Committee– This team will work on our education platform, which may include researching issues, participating in educational videos, and creating panels for the purpose of educating performers on specific topics.

Social Media– This team will meet to discuss different social media strategies and engagement with Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Instagram. While this team includes how we communicate via our Guild twitter, this team will also discuss the ongoing battle over social media discrimination.

Steward Committee– This committee is run by the APAG Steward, and shall consist of members seeking to become a future APAG Steward or ON Set Steward. You will shape and create our training program for On-Set Stewards, and maintain communication with APAG Executive Board members.

Kink Committee- A committee comprised of creators from the kink community.

Webcam Pay Campaign Committee- A committee created to discuss and implement a union campaign to fight for higher pay/percentages for webcam models.

This may include any experience such as Wordpress knowledge, worked as an organizer, excel knowledge, etc.

APAG Member Meetings

Performer Training for New Performers


Are you a current performer in adult films or web camming? Are you a clip creator or content creator? Do you do phone sex or work on sexting apps? Are you a retired performer from the adult film industry? APAG is organizing performers, past and present, to collective bargain, provide education, health care, and protection of performers rights. Become a part of the union!

Join APAG Today!

Adult Industry Verified

APAG TALKS- Educational Series Coming Soon!

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