
Meeting Minutes October 11, 2020

Adult Performance Artists Guild

Meeting Minutes October 11, 2020

5:07pm President Alana Evans calls meeting to order. Vice President Ruby calls the roll.

President Alana Evans

Vice President Ruby

Secretary Kelly Pierce (late but present)

Sergeant at Arms Amber Lynn (late but present)

9 members present

5:10pm Bylaws committee update

Committee meeting to be held directly after today’s meeting. Will have something to vote on within a month.

5:13pm Instagram update, discussion of legal go fund me,pros and cons.

Discussion on how to pay additional legal council. Case bibliography, Bella Thorne’s advertising of Onlyfans, Instagram attorney clams up. Arbitration flagship case.

5:30pm Questions/comments

Question about the Electronic Frontier Foundation and FSC. Alana explains the discrimination we were subjected to in that meeting, being called “professional prostitutes”. 

FSC line of communication is open.

Description of UNRAH act

Instagram not a brick and mortar business.

Question,”What is the goal? To establish loss of income.

5:40pm Platform Discussion

Just For Fans call.

Onlyfans support issue

Onlyfans taking large amounts of money.

Fans not receiving refunds

Other platforms mentioned, connectpal

patreon, Foxy,Pornhub, Modelhub.

Just For Fans split 70% to performers 30% to platform, and they are running an exclusivity promotional where they are offering a 85% to performers 15% to platform.

Bargaining agreements with Sextpanther, Onlyfans, Just for Fans.

Brazzers possibly opening up to independent performers.

6:05pm AB 2257 and Streamate/Cams update.

Cams confirmed CA models will be allowed back Oct 2.

Streamate taking back CA models.

Model contract is changed.

Alana harrassed by Streamate models online.

Alana waiting for her profile to be approved

(Has since been approved)

Amber is Streamate liaison

Streamate is a bit backed up.

Girls who went to CalGems are first in line.

Alana summarizes our exemption.

6:29 pm Health Insurance Committee and Testing update.

The window for the ACA opens in the beginning of November till the end of Dec.

Ruby is processing the health insurance requests, Alana tells them about John our insurance person who is amazing.

For anyone who qualifies for Medical or Medicaid the window doesn’t close.

Call with Michelle from FSC to discuss bringing Dr.Goldman and our testing system into PASS.

The procurement of free covid testing through our clinic.

TTS not taking any insurance and price gouging performers.

6:37pm Membership Committee Update

Current member count, 561 members

Dues still waived for covid, the time to join is now.

Always test through an industry panel.

6:39 On Set Steward program committee update.

Talked to FSC about program.

BBW performers being told to test at AHF who doesn’t have a complete panel.

Health labs is not industry related, has no database no contact tracing.

Working with companies to require the education portal.

6:52pm Questions/comments

Alana reiterates the fact that the first lab Cutting Edge used did not actually run the tests.

Our covid testing turnaround is 15 minute tests.

Unsafe content parties mentioned.

12 cases of gonorrhea, chlyamidia, and trichomoniasis.

No genealogy is being done at TTS

Covid testing every 24 to 48 hours and 14 days for the rest of the panel.

If you are shooting at content parties make sure they are abiding by testing and ID standards.

7:10 Quick recap

7:11 President Alana Evans calls meeting to a close.


Meeting Minutes drafted by VP Ruby, typed by Pres. Alana Evans

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