
APAG Meeting Minutes- November 14th 2021

5:04 pm President Alana Evans calls the meeting to order.
5:06 pm Vice President Ruby calls the roll President Alana Evans, present
Vice President Ruby, present
Secretary Kelly Pierce, not present
Treasurer Cendrine Ash, not present
Sergeant at Arms Amber Lynn, not present( excused)
Parliamentarian Jorge Reano, present
Board Member India Morel, not present Steward Trey, not present

5:10 pm Vice President Ruby reads the last meeting minutes into the record.
5:13 pm Motion to accept last meeting minutes, motion seconded, motion carried.
5:15 pm The APAG Elections, outline to the Executive Board, for tentative election date.
2 weeks to receive all nominations. Another 2 weeks to post the names and
nominations. The committee chair and Secretary tabulate the votes. Committee will remain active 30 days after the election then will be released. Must already be a member to run.
5:20 pm Cheapest Election website is 120$ Volunteers for the committee
5:26 pm Legal names are required for the board. 5:28 pm Voting before the Holidays, dates for Nomination period November 1 5 through the 29th, Nomination announcement period, November 29th through Dec 13th.
Election Dec 13th through the 22, with the announcement Jan 3 at the latest.
5:31 pm Motion to accept dates, motion seconded, motion carried.
5:32 pm Insurance, update info help, appointment windows are open. Still looking to create a plan of our own.
5:37 pm Helping the Homeless Holiday Drive Working with a couple of different organizations. La Mesa home program. Discussion to shift some donations to Veterans Row. Adding more items to the list.
5:40 pm APAG in Washington DC, Dec 1st through the 6th. Meeting with AFL-CIO and
lobbyists, creating an ongoing presence in The Capitol. Work on both parties. At Exotica to meet performers and be accessible to them. XBIZ is coming in Jan with a 2-day signing event.
5:46 pm My Girl Fund update bounced checks, our attorney is addressing.
5:49 pm Create a campaign for a fair percentage on platforms. Create avenues for negotiation and pressure. 35% is not acceptable. Affiliates getting a better cut than performers. Affiliate pages appropriating cam shows and in some cases violation of trademarks.
5:53 pm Motion to create a Fair percentage committee to agree on acceptable pay percentage, motion seconded, motion carried. 5:56 pm Motion to form a Kink Committee, motion seconded, motion carried.
5:57 More MGF Discussion, Bounced checks, destroying performer’s credit and bank accounts. Termination of accounts with no warning. Definitely a racial disparity on the platform Taking ID’s even if no approval.
6:05 pm Why we need real names for actual board member seats. Licensure and bonding and paperwork.

6:09 pm Leadership workshop, form for feedback after meetings.
6:10 pm President Alana Evans calls the meeting to a close.

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