
APAG Meeting Minutes- January 23, 2022

APAG Meeting Minutes January 23rd,2022

5:08pm President Alana Evans calls meeting to order. 
5:09pm Vice President Ruby calls the roll. 
President Alana Evans, present 
Vice President Ruby, present 
Secretary Kelly Pierce, present 
Sargeant at Arms Amber Lynn,present 
Board Member India Morel, present,late
Board Member Keke,present 
Board Member Body of Benin ,present, late
Board Member Destiny Red, present 
Parliamentarian Jorge Reano, present 
Steward Trey,present 
Legal Council Jim Felton, present 
5:14pm Vice President Ruby reads last meeting minutes into the roll.
5:16pm Motion to accept minutes 
5:17pm Motion carries 
5:18pm APAG elections are complete, the Executive Board ran uncontested and everyone who qualified to run was given their seat.
Congratulations to all the new board members
5:22pm APAG bank account options
Wells Fargo,  The President and Sec Treasurer 
5:25pm Keep trying with Amalgamated 
Mobius Pay merchant services 
5:26pm APAG dues, Dues Committee would be Membership subcommittee to explore reasonable dues, membership cards,members benefits 
5:32 What a comfortable due looks like, what it costs to run the union
5:33 Motion to create Administrative Committee 
5:34 Motion seconded, Motion carried 
5:35 XBIZ wrap up,amazing time, seemed very optimistic for collective bargaining,we had an amazing panel, possible funding for programs 
5:39 Our wonderful opening night party sponsored by our legal council Jim Felton and firm went swimmingly with cups with our logo, much fun had by all
5:40pm Jorge explained parliamentary procedure to everyone at our panel
5:42pm Committee schedule 
Need a Membership and Legislation Committee meeting 
5:45pm MGF issue, tried to recover some of the bounced checks. 
5:54pm If workers wish to go to law enforcement to file a report on missing money we can help connect you.
We cannot put the union in legal jeopardy.
5:57pm Voluntarily Collective Bargaining class
9 spots
6:00 pm Discussion, expressing our displeasure at the violation of privacy opening all of us up to professional retaliation. 
6:05pm Motion to extend for extra time for the member that will have a trial
6:07pm Motion seconded, motion carried 
6:08pm Steward speaks on union protocol 
The difference between a members meeting and a Town Hall 
6:10pm Kelly explains union busting and why it's illegal 
6:13pm Destiny speaks about the importance of trying to protect the board members legal names
6:15pm Amber Lynn speaks about respecting the performers that came before,we all need each other, Steward Trey stresses self care,and RIP to Alicia Rio who passed away
6:20 President Alana Evans calls meeting to a close

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