
Meeting Minutes February 8, 2023

Name of Association:  APAG

Type of Meeting:  bi-weekly member meeting

Date:  2/8/2023

Call To Order:  6:12 pm pst

Roll Call:

Present: President Alana Evans

VP Kelly Pierce

Sgt At Arms Amberlynn

Secretary Ms Keke’s Banxx

Board Member Destiny Red

Board Member body of Benin

Not Present:

Parliamentarian George

Board member India Moral


Officer Pledge:

New Business: 6:15 pm pst


Acct removals in large numbers

Tos have not changed but they are enforcing it

Mark as sensitive

No graphic pics in banner or profile pic

Follow TOS

You can’t change profile pic or @ without being reverified if you are blue check paid or really verified

How to combat this:

Make a discord channel for Twitter

 (Maybe) March Twitter office in LA talk to models to see what they think

Do a space via Union Twitter

“How have things changed since the takeover by Elon” to hear models’ thought process

Space about swabbing as well

Weekly spaces


Like a podcast

Spaces draw new audience

Sexologist on board? – Qamar

We have Leanne as well

Back to Twitter 9:42

Twitter committee could be social media committee

Alana and I create forms to send out

6:44 pm

Apag socials

Apag twitter has Twitter blue

Apag TikTok

Take turns making clips on topics

Keep under 1 min or pts

Post it and leave in drafts

6:51 pm

Companies not requiring swabs

Quinn studios:

Mainstream companies for sure not requiring swabs

People are getting them on their own

Anal swabs are needed

Could take multiple courses of meds

Chlamydia can come from any oral to genital touch not kissing

3 swabs for women

2 for men

Help with some of this conversation on social media

Not all clinics have swab access

PASS needs to make sure their labs have swabs on hand

Lab owners have different opinions

Putting our more info on the panel

Twitter arguments still happening

Be mindful of OCEA

Long travel distance to get swabs

Female swabs 300 at TTS in FL

Start convo with TTS

Not sure they need vagina swabs and urine on females urine should be enough

Stop slut shaming online

Space On empathy

Learn how to cope and recover

Kelly has someone that can speak from the LGBTQ+ center

Have convos with other orgs

Content parties at events can be spreading stis

Education and staying on top of pass

7:51 pm


Some bank prospects

One through Steward

7:56 pm

States with ID laws trying to outlaw porn

Google is pixellating porn in search results already

Stuff for the legislative committee

Present us as small businesses

8:02 pm

Clip Bonanza is a fake site

Corey has been trying to take them down

People don’t get clips when they purchase it

Boycott campaign

Motions: none

Open Discussion: none

Closed the Meeting: 8:10 pm pst

APAG Member Meetings

Performer Training for New Performers


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